Shifnal Primary School

Shifnal Primary School

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  3. Important-Medicines in School

Important-Medicines in School

31 August 2016 (by admin)

The school nurse has recently provided additional guidance to school regarding medicines for children.

Guidance states  School can only administer prescribed medication.  Oral antibiotics should only be in school if needs to be taken 4 times daily.  Medicines prescribed three times a day can be left at home and taken there (unless in afterschool club).  Medicines brought into school needs to be in date, with a legible prescribed label.  Any eye drops need to be clearly labelled when opened and stored in fridge and discarded after 7 days of opening.  There should be no piriton in school – piriton causes drowsiness and it is then difficult to accurately assess a child’s state of consciousness. Non-drowsy anti-histamines can be sought from the GP. Any medication your child has in school will be sent home on the last day of term. Please ensure any medication brought back in to school in September adheres to the above guidance and a new medication form is completed.