Shifnal Primary School

Shifnal Primary School

"We're proud to achieve!"

Class 12 - Mrs Griffiths

If you require any further information or help please ask in school before the due in date. 



Friday 4th October due in Wednesday 9th October

English - Use of commas - pages 42 & 43.

Maths - Multiplication - pages 22 & 23.

Spellings - Hyphenated prefix words.


All homework needs to be in by the following Wednesday. Spellings test will be every Friday.


Any queries about home learning or your child please contact us using the email address below:

Please remember to keep reading.

The school has subscribed to which is another place to read books online

Click the image to access TT Rockstars, children's individual login details are in their reading record.

Please encourage the children to practise their times tables at home on a regular basis.