Encouraging Children to Keep Healthy
The 'fruit and veg only' tuck at morning break has also been accepted by all the pupils and this policy will continue, particularly in view of recent media coverage encouraging children to eat more healthily following the increase in child obesity and resultant health problems.
We are grateful for your support and co-operation in encouraging your children to only bring fruit and vegetables for tuck.
School Food Standards (Includes Tuck Shops and Breakfast Clubs)
Encouraging Children to Keep Healthy
The 'fruit and veg only' tuck at morning break has also been accepted by all the pupils and this policy will continue, particularly in view of recent media coverage encouraging children to eat more healthily following the increase in child obesity and resultant health problems.
We are grateful for your support and co-operation in encouraging your children to only bring fruit and vegetables for tuck.
School Food Standards (Includes Tuck Shops and Breakfast Clubs)
Encouraging Children to Keep Healthy
The 'fruit and veg only' tuck at morning break has also been accepted by all the pupils and this policy will continue, particularly in view of recent media coverage encouraging children to eat more healthily following the increase in child obesity and resultant health problems.
We are grateful for your support and co-operation in encouraging your children to only bring fruit and vegetables for tuck.
School Food Standards (Includes Tuck Shops and Breakfast Clubs)